
Showing posts from January, 2023

Strategic Human Resource Management Guide 2023

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a critical but often overlooked element of the way that companies organise themselves and their employees. It is a way to ensure that the organisation's human resources are used to support its business goals. Imagine SHRM as an instrument that connects HR and the company's objectives. With SHRM, businesses can better align and manage employee performance and development and develop policies and programs that align with the company's overall strategy. What is Strategic Human Resources? The goal of SHRM is to develop strategies and plans that match the company's overall business strategy. The primary distinction between strategic human resources and human resources is that the latter is focused on the day-to-day management and operations of employees. While strategic human resources concentrate on the ways employees can help achieve the company's overall objectives. This implies the SHRM must first be aware of the company

Top Ways to Resolve Conflicts at Workplace

Conflict is at times an element of any workplace. Employees and employers must know the concepts of workplace conflict resolution in order to create a positive and productive working environment. This blog post will go over the top 8 concepts for work-related conflict management.  Most Common Causes of Workplace Conflicts Many factors can influence the way employees to behave in the workplace. Here are the top causes that can cause workplace conflicts. Undefined job roles and poor responsibility distribution at the Workplace   If a company does not clearly define employees' roles, conflicts can arise because of confusion. Additionally, if an employee is assigned to oversee another employee, jealousy and resentment may increase. Insufficient opportunities   A sudden slowdown in employment can cause anxiety among employees. When an employee is given a promotion, others might start feeling demotivated. This can lead to work conflicts between colleagues when they are worki